Friday Already??

This has been a really great week. I am so sad to see it come to an end. Mostly because I go back to work tomorrow.... But let me live in denial for just a bit longer?

Back to the good stuff.

Our little family ventured over to Tampa earlier this week to meet up with the in-laws. The hubs and his dad went to a college basketball game while my mother-in-law, Sadie, and I ventured to the Florida Aquarium. Sadie loved looking at all of the fish! She was so alert the whole time, staring at the various water creatures, following them with her eyes, and then finally napping as we rocked in a couple of rocking chairs in front of one of the tanks.

The hubs and I also left Sadie with her Grammy (my momma) for the very first time for a couple of hours. We went to celebrate some of our good friends getting engaged (hence the champagne punch & chocolate covered strawberries...yum!).

What else you see up there are some luxurious lashes, an adorable pup, one cute kiddo, and someone finally enjoying her tummy time!

As you all enjoy your beautiful Saturday, send some positive thoughts our way as I attempt to leave my baby girl for twelve hours. I hope they go by fast :(


  1. Such a pretty girl! No wonder she loves checking herself out in the mirror :)

    Eli hated tummy time too and then one day, out of nowhere, he liked it. We didn't do anything different. It was like he just decided he was OK with it.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Good look tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.

    Taylor has that exact mirror and adores it. She has not taken a liking to the ladybug on it and tries to eat it every chance she gets. :)

  3. Good luck! It's going to be awful, but I promise it does get better! Call as many times as you need to, no shame in that! Love the pics, what a cutie!! :)



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