
Mother's Day. I couldn't help but think, in the days leading up to it, that this should be my first mothers day. I should have a little one that the hubs lays in bed with me on the morning of mothers day so I can have some snuggles while I eat my breakfast in bed or I should be rubbing my growing belly in anticipation of our little ones arrival... but then I remind myself: "one day" (and hopefully that day is next year but you know, I am trying to be patient).

Luckily I have the most amazing "Mommas" in my life and thinking about how fortunate I am to have them definitely made the day a positive thing. I think it is so important to let the people you love know how you feel and to do so often. And although, there is no way I can fully express my love and gratefulness to these women, it wont stop me from trying.

To My Momma
I know people say this all the time, but I truly do not know where I would be without you. No matter what was going on in my life you were always there to listen, offer kind words, and most of all, to support me. Growing up, you always let me make my own decisions, even though there were more than a few you wouldn't have chosen yourself. This allowed me to learn and grow into my own person, a person I would not be without you. I have always known how lucky I am to have such an understanding and encouraging mom but it seems to become more clear every day. At all times you have tried to give me the best of everything. The older I get, the more our bond changes and grows. I look forward many more years of your love and friendship. Thank you for being my mom and my best friend.

To My Momma-in-law
I was so incredibly nervous to meet you for the first time. I asked the hubs what I could talk to you about and if he thought you would like me, I worried that you wouldn't. Then I saw you walking towards us... smiling. And you gave me such a warm hug that I knew from that moment we were going to get along just fine. "Mother-in-law" seems to carry a negative connotation to most people but to me it means "love. support. kindness. caring. strength. mom". You have raised such amazing "kids" and thanks to you I have a sweet, smart, funny gentleman as a husband. I cannot thank you enough for that. I honestly love spending time with you (sometimes I tease the hubs that I get more excited to visit than he does) and I appreciate you welcoming me into the family the way you have.

To My Mam-maw:
You are someone I have always looked up to. Your strength and devotion to your family are qualities not everyone is lucky enough to have in a grandmother. Some of my favorite childhood memories are watching movies with you before bed in your room and Christmas in your living room. And even though we have never lived in the same state, I have always felt close to you. I hope you realize how much of an impact you have had on my life. You are an unbelievable woman. mother. sister. grandmother. friend. and I could not have asked for a better role model. Thank you for all of the love you have shown me.

Mommas shape us, they teach about life and love, they take care of us, and they strive to give us all the things we need. So take time to tell the "Mommas" in your life how much you appreciate them, not just today but every day. They need to hear it, they deserve it.

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