Farewell 2011

2011 was the year I had been dreaming about for a long time. The hubs and I started the year with fresh optimism and hopes high. On April 2nd we found out we were pregnant again and although we were nervous to get excited about it we just couldn't help ourselves. The first 12 weeks were spent on the edge of seats and overanalyzing every single feeling in my body but the next 9 months were like a dream.

Being pregnant was such an amazing experience. I loved every second of it, even when I was throwing up in my car and drained of energy just so ready to meet our little girl. Every kick, hiccup, tickling of my hip bone, and jab to the ribs made me fall in love with my belly even more. Every time we heard that little heart beating or saw a glimpse of that beautiful profile or those tiny fingers and toes made it all feel a little more real.

And finally, after three years of trying and hoping and praying, three heartbreaking losses, nine months of falling in love with a belly, and over 24 hours of labor... On December 14th we met our little girl. Our miracle. Our everything. And love doesn't even begin to describe the way we feel about her.

2011 healed my heart. It reminded me that this world can be such a beautiful place and that the people in it can do amazing things. It made me believe in miracles again. For the first time in a long time I am truly sad to see a year end. But at the same time I know that 2012 and beyond holds so many wonderful adventures for my family.

And for the first time in three years, my resolution is not to get pregnant :)


  1. You look gorgeous and so is your baby. Becoming a mother certainly changes everything. And yes, the world does become more beautiful.

    COngrats again and happy new year!


  2. This made me cry. She is so beautiful...such a little miracle. Everything you went through up until her will just make you love her all the more. Happy 2012!



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